Y. Yang, S. C. Tan, and S. Y. R. Hui, “一种无线功率传输系统”, Publication Number: CN115706450A, 17/02/2023.
S. Y. R. Hui and Y. Yang, “A Wireless Battery Charging System and Method for Battery Charging and Handshaking”, Publication Number: US20220368160, 17/11/2022.
S. Y. R. Hui and Y. Yang, “Battery Charging System and Method Using Dynamically Adjusted Voltage Threshold for Switching Charging Modes”, Publication Number: US20220224140, 14/07/2022.
杨鋆, 吴会欢, “无线充电容器”, Application Number: ZL202210224543.6, 14/03/2022.
Y. Yang and S. Y. R. Hui, “An augmented passive circuit for soft-switching of power inverter under phase-shift modulation control”, New Technology Disclosure (NTU Ref: 2021-366; PolyU Ref: PAT-1416).
Refereed Publications in SCI Journals
(Scopus) h-index 24, total citations>1550; (Google Scholar) h-index 25, total citations>1800
(*Corresponding author, ^Equal contributor, _Group member)
Y. Yang*, “A passive augmented circuit for EMI reductions of full-bridge inverters with conventional phase shift control in wireless power transfer systems,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, pp. 1-12, Jul. 2023, In press.
Y. Yang*, “Precise modeling of nonlinear rectifier loads in wireless power transfer systems,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 3574-3585, Jun. 2023.
S. Y. R. Hui^, Y. Yang^, and C. Zhang^, “Wireless power transfer: a paradigm shift for the next generation,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 2412-2427, Jun. 2023. (invited paper, highlighted by IEEE Spectrum).
Y. Yang*, S. C. Tan, and S. Y. R. Hui, “Fast hardware approach to determining mutual coupling of series-series-compensated wireless power transfer systems with active rectifiers,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 11026-11038, Oct. 2020.
Y. Yang*, W. Zhong, S. Kiratipongvoot, S. C. Tan, and S. Y. R. Hui, “Dynamic improvement of series-series compensated wireless power transfer systems using discrete sliding mode control,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 6351-6360, Jul. 2018.
Proceedings of International Symposia
K. Wang, J. Zeng, Y. Yang, and H. Xiao, "Advanced primary-side load monitoring schemes for inductive power transfer systems with enhanced nonlinear rectifier load models," in ECCE, Oct. 2023, pp. 1-1.
H. Xiao, Y. Yang, and K. Wang, “Dynamic improvement of direct inductive power transfer systems using adaptive model predictive-based phase shift control,” in APEC, Mar. 2023, pp. 1-1.
Y. Yang, and H. Wu, “A robust primary-side hybrid data-based load monitoring strategy for wireless power transfer systems” in ECCE, Oct. 2022, pp. 1-1.
Y. Yang, S. C. Tan, and S. Y. R. Hui, “Adaptive reference model predictive control for power electronics,” in APEC, Mar. 2016, pp. 1169-1175.
Y. Yang, S. C. Tan, and S. Y. R. Hui, “Voltage and frequency control of electric spring based smart loads,” in APEC, Mar. 2016, pp. 3481-3487.
Book Chapters
Y. Yang, S. C. Tan, and S. Y. R. Hui, “Control Algorithms for Energy Storage Systems to Reduce Distribution Power Loss of Microgrids,” in Active Electrical Distribution Network: A Smart Approach, Chapter 7B, Publisher: Wiley, May 2021.
Y. Yang and Y. Mao, “Applications of Adaptive Differential Evolution to Optimize and Identify the Parameters of Power Electronics and Electric Machines,” in Advances in Engineering Research, Volume 33, Publisher: Nova, Apr. 2020.